African Development Plan provides "Connect the Dots" Research and Data presentations on the need for Afro-Descendant Self Determination. We believe that when people are educated on the issues they can support our Human Right to Self Determination Campaign.
As a Subject Matter Expert we educate on issues impacting Afro- Descendants in the USA, the Diaspora and on the African Continent from an African Centered Perspective utilizing International Standards and a Human Rights framework.
African Development Plan believes in teamwork and collaboration and accomplishes its goals through a group of partners who are experts in their own fields.
In order to win support for SELF DETERMINATION people need to understand what that is and how the failure to have it has impacted the Afro-Descendants /Indigenous Black people in the USA and the DIASPORA. Please support the RESEARCH and OUTREACH efforts which will include 2 books this year. WE MUST TELL OURSTORY.
Presented at a Human Rights conference in Tehran where the team from The American Institute of Human Rights presented.
Listen to Elaina Martin explain
Presenting with Imam Sultan Muhammad in Iran. We answered questions and spoke of the plight of African descendants in the United States.
Listen to Cecile Johnson explain
Cecile Johnson Presenting on the steps to Nation Building .
Listen to Attorney Dan Fodia explain why we have a case for Self Determination.
The Human Rights Team from the American Institute of Human Rights
On October 1, 2017 we signed a Declaration of Self Determination in Tougaloo Mississippi which started the process for Self Determination for the African Descendants in the United States,
For years Afro Descendants in the USA, aka Black people have focused on the issue of Ethnocide and Reparations. In this Presentation Cecile Johnson shows you how the crimes against our humanity must also include the CRIME OF GENOCIDE. It is time for the world to support the African Descendants in the US in their cry for REPARATIONS. Since 1452 when the Pope launched an attack on our ancestors and all indigenous people till today where we live under apartheid type conditions in the USA.
SEE VIDEO (2) A Case of Genocide - The African Descendants in the USA by Cecile Johnson - YouTube
Per Siphiwe Baleka Human Rights Defender, " Now remember that Malcolm X's father was in charge of getting signatures in Detroit for the UNIA petition and was killed 11 days after Garvey set sail for London to file the petition to the League of Nations …. Putting the pieces together. Malcolm X going to the World Court is directly related to Garvey and the League of Nations but no book is going to show you that….
We need our case presented and we have no access to the ICJ unless either PFPAD or CARICOM or the AU, in Ubuntu solidarity, requests the advisory opinion, and specifically on the questions:
(c) Have the Afro Descendants - black folks - now within the United States ever been converted, in accordance with settled principles of universally established law, into United States citizens, and divested altogether of their original foreign African nationality?
(d) What rights do the Afro Descendants throughout the Americas and Caribbean have to exercise self-determination and conduct plebiscites to discern who wants to repatriate to their ancestral homeland, who wants to establish independent nation states of their own, and who wants to integrate into the states they currently reside?
I have asked Dr. Namira Negm, Legal Council AU Legal Team and Justice Blaise Tchikaya Chair AU Commission For International Law: How do we get a definitive answer to these questions from our own African legal community?
Presenter on the State of Black Chicago. Data used to show the harm done to the Black community because of racism and unequal access .
Partnering with the Global Institute to build a citizen-oriented , globally competitive and transformed Africa void of poverty , illiteracy and generational dependency in order to improve holistic quality of life for Global Africans.
ADP is a member of the National Black Agenda Consortium - Chicago.
Our role is reseacrh and data to document what is happening to the Black population in the USA.
Co-Author of the National Black Agenda . Co-creator of a new comprehensive solutions approach called the J & P Framework.
Outreach and Marketing of the Black Agenda.
TV shows documenting the data and interviewing experts who provide holistic solutions.
Co- Creator of the J & P FRAMEWORK with William Patterson. We have designed a New Comprehensive Solutions approach for implementing change in the African Descendant Community here in the USA and globally.
Exploring the Issue of Maternal Mortality in Africa
A Research Paper Presented to the
Faculty of the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies Northeastern Illinois University In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts in Inner City Studies Education
By Cecile R.A. Johnson
December 2013
Cecile Johnson was chosen as one of two Diaspora scholars to work on the African Heritage Project as a Research Assistant to Prof. S B Mboup (Dakar) .
Her research was on " Towards an African Centered Curriculum in the learning and teaching of History."
Cecile Johnson worked with General Ishola Williams of Pan African Strategy Group to help launch the idea for a Global African Peoples Institute (GAPI) which is now realized through the Institute of Africa and the Diaspora studies, which is now housed at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica W.I.
Ongoing project which collects data on the Black experience and documents the Civil Right and Human Rights violations that African Descendant people continue to experience in modern day America.
This data was used as evidence when the UN Working Group on African Descendants visited the USA in 2016 and continues to be used by community groups to write grants and tell their story effectively.
Working with Dr Margaret King of Chicago State, Dr Gale Frazier and Cecile Johnson helped plan and host the launching of the Global Institute and African Institute at Chicago State. The AU Ambassador Amina Salum Ali attended.
Co-Authored 'THE PROCESS FROM CIVIL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS' which highlights the steps needed to achieve Self Determination for the African Descendant Nation in the USA.
7 Day Chicago Street Tribes Peace and Progress Summit in partnership with the Moorish Science Temple of America and ABJ Community Center, which culminated in the formation of a CHICAGOLAND PEACE AND PROGRESS COALITION which will actively work on keeping the peace.
July 11-17, 2020
In collaboration with the Afro-Descendant Institute of Human Rights. Presented proof that what is happening is the CRIME OF GENOCIDE.
In 2014 some members of the Black community were frustrated by the lack of a litmus test to identify candidates who were aware of and supportive of issues which concerned them. So the COALITION OF BLACK COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS was born, A municipal candidates questionnaire was developed and put out for the 2015 Municipal elections,
CANDIDATE FORUMS USED OUR QUESTIONS.and this questionnaire has gone on to lay a foundation for community in addressing its issues.
African Liberation day has always been celebrated in Chicago but this year we decided to celebrate it on its actual day May 25, 2014 by introducing it to the community in a free cultural event which included drummers, dancing, and delicious food of the diaspora.
Much thanks to all who helped to make it happen from Joseph Ukonga, Rodney, Paula Green, Kim Martinez, James Hill , Gale Frazier , Pam Carolyn Smith, Elnaquam Ben Israel and Yusufu, Mama Oroki Rice,
From our work with the IAAFC committee, we saw that there was a great need in our community for a place to incubate ideas and people, to help the ordinary person with an idea take it from concept to market. Providing all the in between services needed to build capacity within the Black community given our reality which included a high percentage of semi-literacy and lack of ability to keep up with the paperwork. As such, The All People Foundation and African Development Plan designed a COMMUNITY POWER CENTER concept to address how to build our communities capacity. Funding is needed to implement this.
Helping to attract community members to this 7 day CHICAGO STREET TRIBES PEACE AND PROGRESS SUMMIT.
Co-Author of the National Black Agenda
Check out this great video which includes some of the work of African Development Plan.
Gives an overview of the DATA on Black America with a focus on Chicago and Illinois.
Utilizes "Connect the Dots" research and shows how when looking at our community we must learn to use international standards such as the Human Development Index and MDG's (now SDG's ) and use lens which focus on race, gender and geography to show how Black people living in a so called "developed" country are in fact living in a colonized and under developed state when compared to the white population.
Join our guest Justina WInfrey and Naomi Davis as they discuss the impact of the foreclosure crisis on the Black community in Chicago.
From the 1960's Malcolm X clearly identified that to solve the problems of the African Descendant in America a Human Rights approach would have to be taken.
GIves an example of the value that Human Rights Training can have for law enforcement.