Welcome to African Development Plan

My Ancestors are calling me
They are asking me to remember them not only in good times but in bad times. Not only in festivities but in reflection.
My Ancestors are calling me
They are asking me to remember what they went through so that I could be born.
All that they suffered, lost homeland, lost family, lost language, loss of culture as they were captured, sold into slavery, chained to each other as they made it through the middle passage. Raped, whipped, lynched, physically abused, colonized, Jim Crowed, water hosed and dogs set upon as they fought for their civil rights.
My Ancestors are calling me.
They ask me if I have no mercy?
Do I not see the plight of Africa?
Do I not see the connection I have to all of her children scattered around the world?
They are calling me to remember the 11 million brought to the Americas.
Our blood, sweat and tears built the wealth that formed these new nations.
Wealth squandered, used to oppress us, and so till today, still denies so many of our people a decent life.
My Ancestors are calling me.
They ask me why do you tolerate this?
Tolerate this I ask?
Yes, You tolerate your own genocide.
How I ask?
Because you do nothing to solve the long term ramifications of our collective history. You watch as western institutions speak big words but do little to help change the future of Africa. Where western institutions are imposed and in conflict with an African way of life.
You watch as "leaders" "puppets" "murderers" in Africa and around the world, steal the people's wealth and squander it on foolish things. Where poverty is rampant and the majority strive to survive on less than a $1 a day.
A Continent with the richest resources reduced to the poorest countries in the world. Where people starve for lack of food, water, sanitation and health care.
Africa, where 1 in 13 mothers die in childbirth, where so many children never see the age of 5. A continent which by 2015 will be the only region where the number of poor people will be higher than it was in 1990. And Africa will then account for half of the poor in the developing world.
Do our children not deserve an education?
Do our children not deserve peace?
Do our children not deserve a future that is brighter than the one you are now creating for them?
Why have you not helped?
You have the mind, you have the resources, you must now have the will.
By Cecile Johnson 2009 (c)
The CREATION and IMPLEMENTATION of a 50 year Comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan for African Descendants in the USA and globally.
The African Development Plan Inc., is an ‘African Centered Think and Do Tank’ focused on incubating ideas and people who will create and implement sustainable development solutions that advance the African Descendant’s Right to Self Determination in the USA, the America’s and Africa.
Through research and data analysis presentations on the crisis and opportunities facing Afro-Descendants, we educate the Black population and their leaders on how to effectively tell “Ourstory” from an African Centered perspective using a Human Rights framework.
It is a Call to Action for African Descendant people globally to unite and take pride in our African identity and culture. We will do this through collaboration and the creation of an African Centered Curriculum which promotes the study of our collective history, immersion into and restoration of our culture through the application of the knowledge systems of our ancestors to restore the effect of the ethnocide we have experienced.
Taking an African Centered approach to Leadership Development by training the Next Generation of Leaders who will put African people's interest first. Fellows who will be able to engage with local and national governments and advocate and advance the rights of our people.
African Development Plan is about improving the lives of the Global African Community, as such our work is local in every place that we may live.
Many do not understand the struggles that African descendants people living in the USA experience on a daily basis. Recent news about police killings is nothing new and is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the genocide the Black population is facing in so many areas of our lives from life expectancy, health, education, housing, lack of economic wealth and public safety etc.
Why should we have to warn our children everyday just to keep them alive. Why can't a Black person stop at a white persons door to seek assistance, without being shot at?
We are living in a very racist and hostile environment and it is affecting our health and long term sustainability.
AS SUCH THIS WEBSITE WILL ALSO FOCUS ON THE PARADIGM SHIFT THAT IS NEEDED AS WE MOVE FROM CIVIL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS AND OUR PATH TO SELF DETERMINATION FOR THE AFRICAN DESCENDANT IN THE USA. We will no longer tolerate the genocide against our people. We must now move beyond Civil Rights which have failed to protect us and take our case to the United Nation and Inter-American Court, as we have exhausted domestic remedies.
SEE BELOW for book on subject.
And we will simultaneously highlight the work of Africans on the continent as they too were mislead and ill prepared for their so called independence. And the little progress made for the masses of the people after over 50+ years of independence on the continent must be addressed and the Western nations and now China role in this must be analyzed and dealt with.
There must be accountability for why the continent with the richest resources has the poorest people. Africa's leaders must be held accountable and given the support they need to lead.
Fresh leadership is needed and much more input from the youth who represent over 1 Billion people under the age of 35, And are the majority on the continent. They must be developed to meet Africa's needs in the 21st Century.
Africa's Vision 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Action Plans lay out a vision for Africa which requires African people with the expertise to design and implement sustainable solutions. Many African living in the Diaspora are highly skilled; but underutilized. What if they could be encouraged to return home where their talent could be utilized to address the needs of our communities there. HOW GOOD THAT WOULD BE.
It is a time for all African people no matter where you are to understand WE ARE ONE PEOPLE. We are in CRISIS and we demand CHANGE. Now we must become the change we wish to see in the world.
Will you join us?
African Development Plan provides "Connect the Dots" Research and Data presentations on the need for Afro-Descendant Self Determination. We believe that when people are educated on the issues they can support our Human Right to Self Determination Campaign.
As a Subject Matter Expert we educate on issues impacting Afro- Descendants in the USA, the Diaspora and on the African Continent from an African Centered Perspective utilizing International Standards and a Human Rights framework.
African Development Plan believes in teamwork and collaboration and accomplishes its goals through a group of partners who are experts in their own fields.
OUR PROGRAMS in 2025 will include:
Our failure to UNITE, and be educated on our issues is costing us dearly. While others create plans for our demise, our leaders are too naive or corrupt to stand up for our communities. THIS MUST CHANGE.
HELP ADP ACHIEVE ITS GOALS BY DONATING TO US below. See PAYPAL and ZELLE info or contact Cecile Johnson at AfricanDevelopmentPlan@gmail.com for details on where to send your donations.
A 2023 Interview on the state of Black People in the USA
Does Western media fuel racism against black people? How does Western thought marginalize people of African descent and deny their humanitarian contributions? Who are the “wretched of the earth” who have the courage to confront the oppressors?
United Nations panel says U.S. owes reparations for slavery, mass incarceration
Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France, chairwoman of a United Nations working group for people of African descent, reads findings about institutionalized racism after an official visit to the U.S. in 2016.
We need the world to help us hold the US accountable for the Human Rights violations against it African Descendant population.
My Presentation on 2/24/2023 at the Center for Genocide and Human Rights Research in Africa and the Diaspora at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
A Case of Genocide- The African Descendants in the USA by Cecile Johnson
Check out this great video which gives you a good understanding of the REPARATIONS issue in Chicago
The State of Black People in Chicago- testimony by Cecile Johnson on the harm done to Black people in Chicago because of racism, lack of access and a deliberate disinvestment in the Black Community.
12-09-2019 Presentation in Spartansburg SC.
Speakers include:
Cecile Johnson, Afro-Descendant Nation Confederation
Vicki Casanova- Willis, Human Rights
Kamm Howard, NCOBRA
Elaina Porter, Afro-Descendant Nation Confederation
Check out this great video
Our Presentation at the BLACK MENS CONVENTION On 4/22/18
In this Blog I will focus on our current projects that address Human Rights and our a path to Self Determination for the African Descendant population in the United States of America.
Funds will help cover:
Research and Community Data Analysis
Education and Outreach
Leadership Academy
African Centered Curriculum
Agriculture/ Farming Projects & Entrepreneurial Training and Micro-Financing
We are a registered 501c3 in the state of Illinois, USA.
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